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Famous Arizona Freemasons

U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater was an Arizona Freemason. He served on the Phoenix City Council, he was a pilot during World War II

Senator Carl Hayden was an Arizona Freemason

Vic Hanny of Hanny's Dept. store was an Arizona Freemason

John T. Alsap, 1st Mayor of Phoenix, was an Arizona Freemason. 

Francis Asbury Shaw, 2nd Mayor of Phoenix, was an Arizona Freemason

George Roskruge was the 1st State Surveyor of Arizona before it became a state, he was an Arizona Freemason.  The Grand Lodge Library is named after him - The George Roskruge & S. Barry Casey Masonic Memorial Library & Museum. 

George H. N. Luhrs who built the Luhrs Tower in dowentown Phoenix was the 1st Mason ever raised in Arizona Lodge No. 2.  

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