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Celebrating 100 years of our Phoenix Masonic Temple
Click here for more info on our Centennial!
Groundbreaking at the Phoenix Masonic Temple
Left: 1925 Original Right: 2025 Re-creation

On January 21st, 1925 - the Trustees of Arizona No. 2, George H.N. Luhrs & the Grand Master of Free & Accepted Masons in Arizona met at the lot on the SE Corner of 4th Avenue & Monroe to break ground on the long awaited Phoenix Masonic Temple. Present at the time
On January 21st, 2025 - the Trustees of Arizona No. 2, the Great-Great Grandson of George H.N. Luhrs & the Grand Master of Free & Accepted Masons in Arizona met at the Phoenix Masonic Centennial, now 100 years old, to recreate that original iconic photo. Present at the time (W/shovels - from left to right): Michael Mathews(Secretary), Victor Olson(Past Master), Matthew Crane (Great-Great Grandson of George H.N. Luhrs), Most Worshipful Michael A. Dale, Grand Master of Free & Accepted Masons in Arizona, Worshipful Master Bo Buchanan, Jim Rolle III (Past Master), Cory Whalin(Junior Warden), Stephen Hochreiter(Treasurer) & William Garrard Jr. (Past Grand Master).

Here we have the past master of Arizona Lodge No. 2 recreating the iconic ground breaking moment at the Phoenix Masonic Temple 100 years ago.
(Front row from left to right) Here you see Most Worshipful Michael Dale (Grand Master), Most Worshipful Bill Garrad (Past Grand Master), and Right Worshipful Roger Biede (Senior Grand Warden) breaking ground (again!) at the Phoenix Masonic Temple.

Most Worshipful Michael Dale, Grand Master of F. & A. M. of Arizona, Most Worshipful Bill Garrard (Past Grand Master), Right Worshipful Roger Biede (Senior Grand Warden), and the great-great grandson of George H. N. Luhrs, Matthew Crane.Most Worshipful Michael Dale (Grand Master) and his lovely wife BJ.

Our current Grand Master and past Grand Master working in quarry!

The brothers of Arizona No. 2. The future is bright!

Most Worshipful Michael Dale, Grand Master of F. & A. M. of Arizona, Most Worshipful Bill Garrard (Past Grand Master), Right Worshipful Roger Biede (Senior Grand Warden), and the great-great grandson of George H. N. Luhrs, Matthew Crane.

Worshipful Master Bo Buchanan of Arizona No.2 breaks ground with Matthew Crane, great-great grandson of George H. N. Luhrs, who was the first Master Mason raised in Arizona Lodge No.2.

Pictured here are current Worshipful Master Bo and Past Master Mike.

We present the 2025 officers of Arizona No. 2

The future of freemason lies in the traditions of those that have done it before, the integrity of those that serve now and the prospect of good men that seek the light.
Our Brother Jason who’s been a great asset within and without Arizona No. 2, with Matthew Crane and Brother Jim.
Photo credit: Allen Nichols Photography
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