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Celebrating 100 years of our Phoenix Masonic Temple
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Seeking Light
Freemasonry often refers to "light" as the knowledge we seek to gain through self study and revelation from God. This "light" can take many forms and includes all philosophical wisdom taught throughout the ages. At Arizona Lodge No. 2, we invite you to consider two ways that you can gain this knowledge. One is taught to the brothers of the lodge through education at stated meetings. The other is open to any and all who are seeking more light every 4th Tuesday.

"Masonic Toolbox" - each of us has certain tools in our toolbox; some of us are patient, some of us are persistent. One brother might be good in math while another brother might have skills as a carpenter. In our "Masonic Toolbox" series, we aim to give Masons more tools to help them to become better men, brothers, fathers, husbands and Masons. Open to all Masons, this series occurs on the 1st Tuesday of every month at our stated meeting, starting at 7:00pm with a break for education at 8:00pm.

"Quarry of the Mind" - much of the symbolism surrounding masonry is centered around the idea of creating and perfecting the stones to build a temple. In our "Quarry of the Mind" series, we aim to give Masons more tools to help them to become better men, brothers, fathers, husbands and Masons. Open to all Masons, this series occurs on the 4th Tuesday of every month and is open to Masons & Non-Maons alike. Education begins at 7:00pm. This series will continue either in person or online during the time we are quarantined.

Suggested Reading - if you are curious about freemasonry and how it works there are many good books available to help sort through the "conspiracy hyperbole" you see in popular culture and movies and learn about what we really do. Check out this Suggested Reading List provide by the Arizona Masonic Library.
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